Food supplements and herbal teas made from natural ingredients

HomeAbout us

Who are we?

Calendula Pharma Co. Ltd. is a Hungarian company engaged in the development and production of herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Our herbal laboratory and processing plant is located in the village of Ádánd in Somogy County, where we research, develop, test and manufacture herbal raw materials and preparations. Our HACCP system, our internal quality assurance and control processes, the expertise of our staff and our unique copyrighted recipes guarantee the high quality and effectiveness of our products.

The Calendula Pharma range is the result of nearly 3 decades of research and development. Our formulations are developed under the guidance of Dmitry Skopincev, the founder and Chief Medical Director of the Calendula Clinic. Our staff are all highly qualified specialists, doctors and phytotherapists who have been treating and curing patients for most of their lives. When developing dietary supplements, our specialists have taken into account the most common complaints and diseases that people face in their daily lives.

Our mission is to heal

The production of herbal medicines did not start as a commercial project for us. We prepare and use our products in our clinics for the treatment of patients who come to us for prescriptions, as well as for in-patients in our clinics, and we give them to patients to continue their treatment at home after they leave our clinics. This is our own pharmacy, where we produce our own proprietary herbal strain medicines for our patients. These medicines are prescribed by our medical colleagues on a personalised basis for the patient.
Our herbal preparations, developed for the most common problems and for prevention, which can be used without a prescription, are made available on the retail market. These are biologically active food additives (BAA) classified as dietary supplements to optimise metabolic processes, improve the functioning of organs and the body, reduce the risk of disease, normalise the gastrointestinal microflora, etc.

Number of medicinal products: 1 500
Type of preparations: ayurvedic, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Avicenna, Galena, copyright Dr. Skopintsev Dmitrii
Dosage forms: capsules, pills, powders, jams, tinctures (distillates), decoctions (decoctions), oils

What makes Calendula Pharma products unique?

What we offer is fundamentally different from what you can find on the herbal market! In what way?

  1. Our products have a long history of proving their worth. In Europe, in clinical settings(!), we have been using them in treatments for almost 3 decades.
  2. We make Ayurvedic, Avicenna, classical preparations of ancient Eastern medicine, but adapted to the organism and digestive system of the modern European man! Why is this important? Find out more here.
  3. Our own manufacturing technology, unique on the market. Our preparations are not just crushed plant extracts, but potentised substances. What does this mean? We have developed and apply a highly time-consuming and labour-intensive process that requires great precision and care to increase the concentration of the active ingredient and enhance the mechanism of action of the formulation.
    It is with great pleasure and dedication that we offer our best knowledge and experience in the form of our formulations to protect and strengthen the human body to make it more resistant to certain diseases and stress factors in the modern world.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

+36 30 228 8962

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