Food supplements and herbal teas made from natural ingredients

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-7 €


Original price was: 69 €.Current price is: 62 €.



has been used for centuries in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to maintain internal purity and good digestion. Triphala means 3 fruits. The preparation contains 3 traditional Indian Ayurvedic herbs.
1. Emlica officinalis /amla/
Rich source of vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, iron, carotene and vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process of cells. It speeds up the metabolism and helps to accelerate detoxification processes. Restores digestion. It has a diuretic effect, cleansing the kidneys and urinary organs. Helps to eliminate inflammation of the intestinal tract.
2. Terminalia belerica /bibhitaki/.
Helps healthy formation of body tissues, blood purifying. Supports digestion, colon cleansing and enhances the effects of other constituents.
3. Terminalia chebula /haritaki/
Excellent digestive stimulant, stomach and intestinal cleansing herb. Detoxifies and nourishes the body tissues.

De-slagging tea blend

Herbal tea blend for cleansing the digestive tract. It stimulates the elimination process. It helps to remove uric acid, lactic acid and other metabolites and toxic substances from the body.


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